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In light of recent doctrinal changes in our national church, I've been reflecting on the diversity of thought within the body of Christ. I put the following questions to the heads of our three seminaries. I asked them to restrict themselves to one-word answers. Here is what they said:

Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart
Dean of St. Andrew's Hall

  1. What is the most important part of any church service? BENEDICTION
  2. What is the most important personal devotional practice? PRAYER
  3. What is the deadliest sin? IDOLATRY
  4. Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? CALVIN
  5. What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? BEAUTY

Rev. Dr. Roland De Vries
Principal of Presbyterian College

  1. What is the most important part of any church service? ASSURANCE OF PARDON
  2. What is the most important personal devotional practice? FASTING
  3. What is the deadliest sin? IDOLATRY
  4. Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? PLATO (Bad Theology)
  5. What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? PROVIDENCE

Rev. Dr. John A. Vissers
Principal of Knox College

  1. What is the most important part of any church service? APPROACH
  2. What is the most important personal devotional practice? STILLNESS
  3. What is the deadliest sin? FAITHLESSNESS
  4. Other than Jesus or Paul, who is the most important theologian in church history? THOMAS AQUINAS
  5. What is the most under-appreciated aspect of God's character? HUMILITY