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As we move towards a joyful season many of our hearts are heavy as we face challenges in our own lives or bear the burdens of friends and family. Please consider using this prayer tonight/tomorrow and bring these concerns to our heavenly Father.

God of wisdom, we come to you this Christmas Season tired, in turmoil, and in pain. As the nights have grown longer, so has darkness grown and wrapped itself around our hearts. In this season of longest night, we ask your healing blessings upon all that we carry in our hearts --sorrow we fear may never end, wounds we cannot even put into words.

Lord, hear our prayer

God of mercy and compassion, we grieve what we have lost and we grieve over what might have been. Death or loss or terrible hurt has changed our experience of Christmas. We remember that once it was a special day for us, too, but someone or something precious has gone away from us in this life. We have lost a beloved, a job, a goal, a cause, a dream. We find ourselves adrift and alone. We are weary from the journey, and we have found no room at the inn. We come to you seeking rest, and peace, and shelter from the storm.

Lord, hear our prayer.

God of grace, in the spirit of the season, grant us all that we need to comfort us as we journey through this Christmas season. We ask that you shelter us all: our families, our church and our neighbors. We ask that you would sustain all who wander or want or weep or are heavy laden, that we may be lifted up in courage and journey forward in peace.

  • We pray for Arne who is weak and tire.
  • We pray for Hazel who is struggling to recover.
  • We pray for Wynn who is house-bound.
  • We pray for Megan’s young friend facing charges in Ft. McMurray.
  • We pray for those mourning miscarriages.
  • We pray for those who have lost faith or whose hearts for God have grown cold.
  • We pray for teens who have no hope.
  • We pray for children with special needs.
  • We pray for adults struggling with mental health.
  • We pray for those caregiving for family members.
  • We pray for…


Lord, hear our prayer.

God of love, in this Christmas Season we embrace and offer up to you all that used to be which is now lost to us and cannot be again. With celebration all around us, memories of what was, and fears of what may be, weigh heavy on our hearts. Please hold us close in your embrace, be near to us this night until the light returns and morning comes.

Lord, hear our prayer,

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, comfort the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for thy love's sake.

For we ask this all in Jesus’ name. Amen.